Our School
Pleasant Park Public School has a reputation for its high standards of excellence and its commitment to education and to meeting the needs of our pupils. Our students are the central members of a school community that values academic progress, social responsibility, and parental involvement within a safe and caring learning environment. Each child will have opportunities to reach his or her full potential and to meet challenges as critical thinkers, effective decision-makers, and creative problem solvers.
Our Students
Pleasant Park Public School has an enrolment of approximately 520 students in Kindergarten classes and Early French Immersion classes from Grade 1 to Grade 6. Upon completion of the grade 6 program, our students go to Vincent Massey Public School or Alta Vista Public School. Our students are motivated learners who benefit from the advantages of home and community support.
Here are some comments from our students:
- “Pleasant Park is a wonderful school where students have an opportunity to learn the two official languages.”
- “J’aime cette école car on est comme une famille. On a aussi un bon esprit du sport et de très bons professeurs.”
- “Pleasant Park is a friendly school with many children to play with and be friends with.”
- “I love the arts and music program.”
Our Staff
Pleasant Park Public School has a Principal, a half-time Vice-Principal, 28 teachers, one office administrator, one office assistant, two educational assistants, a chief custodian, and a library technician on staff. Staff members represent a variety of expertise in music, athletics, computers, and the arts. Teachers hold additional qualifications in Special Education, FSL, ESL, Drama, Reading, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Library Science, Computers, and Masters in Education.
Our Community
Our urban community, drawing from the Alta Vista area, is richly diverse and family-oriented. The Pleasant Park School Council is a committed and active volunteer advisory group that welcomes the involvement of parents, staff, and community members.
There is a high level of parent support for school and community activities.
Parent volunteers are considered an integral and essential part of the academic life of the school.
A before- and after-school program is offered by Aladin Daycare.
Pleasant Park students and their families enjoy the surrounding parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities.
Here are some comments from our students and parents about staff:
- “I appreciate the efforts of all staff in providing a safe learning environment for my child who has life-threatening allergies.”
- “Staff at Pleasant Park support students in achieving high academic standards.”
- “Teachers are committed to providing enrichment opportunities in the Arts and Music which complement and enhance the curriculum.”
Mission Statement
Pleasant Park is our school. It is a safe school. We take care of ourselves, each other, and our environment. We learn in French and English. We use our knowledge and skills to the best of our abilities so that we can continue to learn throughout our lives. We make wise choices. We make a difference.
Pleasant Park est mon école. Je m`y sens en sécurité. Je me respecte, je respecte les autres et mon environnement. J’apprends en français et en anglais. J’utilise de mon mieux mon savoir et mes talents afin de les appliquer tout au long de ma vie. Je fais de bons choix. Je fais la différence.
Facilities and Resources
- A beautifully treed playground with three play structures and vast field areas divided into a Primary yard and a Junior yard
- A library/resource center with approximately 10,000 books
- A gym with a stage for student performances
- Technology in every classroom
- A Resource Room for teachers containing science and math manipulatives, children’s literature and leveled texts in French and English.
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
After the two year bilingual kindergarten program (50/50 Eng/Fr), Pleasant Park offers the Early French Immersion Program starting in Grade 1 and continues to Grade 6. Our students receive 60 minutes of English Math instructions of Grade 1 and one hour of English Language instruction in grades 2,3,4,5, and 6.
Classroom Organization:
- 6 Kindergarten classes
- 12 Primary classes and 6 Junior classes
Grades 1 to 6 are organized as follows:
- Grade 1: 5 classes
- Grade 2: 4 classes
- Grade 3: 3 classes
- Grade 4: 2 classes
- Grade 5: 2 classes
- Grade 6: 2 classes
Special Education and ESL Programs
- Academic Support (in-class) and Educational Assessments are the responsibility our Learning Support Teacher.
- Additional in class support is provided by our Learning Resource Teacher and Educational Assistants.
- Multi-Disciplinary Meetings take place to review case files with our Principal, Vice-Principal, Teachers, and Learning Support Teacher. Our Social Worker, School Psychologist, Speech Pathologist and other experts visit the school regularly for consultation and support.
Clubs and Activities
- Extra-curricular and Intramural Sports
- Jump Rope for Heart
- PALS - Playground Activity Leaders
- School Choir
- School Musical
- Robotics and coding club
- Student Council (Assemblies, Dances, Fundraising, Spirit Days)
- Terry Fox Run
- Winter and Spring Concerts
- Yearbook
Safe Schools Initiatives
Code of Behaviour
- Pleasant Park Public School has identified the following "BE-leaf" statements: BE kind, BE respectful, BE responsible, BE your BEST! These statements are the pillars supporting the PPPS Code of Behaviour
- We implement the Progressive Discipline policy (Ministry and OCDSB) and Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) when dealing with discipline issues.
- To help students learn to resolve conflicts independently, we use the WITS program: Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out, Seek help. This common language supported by various books integrated into our Literacy program allows for a consistent school wide approach.
Other Safe School Initiatives:
Pleasant Park Emergency Procedures include:
- School Lockdown, Fire Safety, School Evacuation, Medical Emergencies, and Crisis or Traumatic Events Procedures
- Safe Arrivals Policies and Procedures
- Safe School Policy and Procedures for Visitors in the School
- A commitment to the Safe and Caring School Curriculum